November 14, 2011

To my love-

As you are probably aware, today is the 26th birthday of my best friend. I think it is only appropriate a blog entry be dedicated to him. I don't have to tell any of you just how precious and kind Andy is to me. I say it all the time and it may sound cliche but Andy is my best friend. Over the years I've had some amazing friends, and still do, but Andy is the one. I'm so blessed that he will never move to a far away city without me. I love knowing I'm by his side til the end. Speaking of moving, Andy has been so gracious in his support of my passions and career. He was willing and even encouraged me to take my job here in Chattanooga to further my career while giving up a job he loved in Atlanta. Andy has made me a far more confident woman because he believes in me so very much. Andy is selfless, humble, and really freaking good looking. He is smart and funny. He isn't afraid to make a fool of himself all for a laugh. He delights in the small things in life and encourages me to seek God with the same consistency that he does. He is a great dad to our furry babies and I'm certain one day (God willing) he will be to our children. I look forward to all our future holds and I'm so so very very thankful that Andy was born 26 years ago. My life just wouldn't be the same without him.