April 30, 2012

The Blame Game- Everybody Loses

My brain is full of thoughts and they roll around and bump into one another so I'll try my best to put them down in a coherent way. I'm a medical social worker and by virtue of this profession I deal a lot with the disenfranchised, poor, and for lack of a better word, needy. Consequently, I also work with some of the most privileged and elite of our society, medical professionals. These interactions prove interesting on a daily basis. It is these interactions that have spurred a lot of thinking and led me to this blog post. I guess it's too early in my career to be frustrated, but here I am. I'm tired of the endless blaming. I'm tired of the victim getting the short end of the stick. I'm tired of people who always talk about those that abuse the system. I'm oh so very tired of claiming Christianity as a nation and doing the exact opposite of what Jesus commands. Why is it we are so adamant about the abortion issue yet we hate our neighbors? Is it because unborn children are innocent and are aborted by no fault of their own? I think so. Interestingly enough, these children we save from abortion will likely grow up in poverty on welfare and food stamps and we'll get a chance to blame them later when they have children as teenagers, too. (ps. don't hate me strait away- I'm for children being born, just saying) I hear time and time again (and I confess, I think this at times, too) that people don't deserve help for some set of reasons or another. Perhaps, they keep having babies just to get a check from the government. Or maybe they have perfectly done fingernails and ask for help with bus fair? Or maybe they smoked their whole life and now they have lung cancer? What about the battered wife who just won't leave the husband. At some point she deserves what she gets, right? Have we forgotten that within our own hearts resides the same hypocrisy? Shame on us. Do we not realize that an unborn child and a homeless man who got that way from drinking are equally loved by the Father? Why should this be a flagrant statement? This is GOOD NEWS! We are all in the same sinking boat begging for salvation. Some of us are wearing nicer clothes and know the right people but that is all that is separating us from one another. We are ALL sinking. See Romans 3. We have failed one another, ironically most of the time in the name of Jesus. We blame those who "abuse the system" and argue the government shouldn't provide for everyone. Yet, we do not extend our homes and help. We're scared. We close our eyes and hope they'll all just disappear. Sometimes, we do more than that. We don't want the government to help. We don't want to help. What we really want is to not be faced with depravity. But shouldn't this produce a conflict within ourselves? Hear this, if only this, Jesus doesn't command us to love the unlovable b/c it's the hipster, Tom shoes wearing, organic chicken eating, World Vision sponsored child, thing to do. Jesus commands us to love the unlovable so we realize the depths of our own sin AND that we demonstrate the UNCONDITIONAL (read: you don't earn it OR lose it) love of the Father. The End.