October 31, 2011

It's the small things that count

It seems in my prayers God has continually pointed me to remember the small things and be thankful. I thought I'd share a few of those here with you. Maybe a list will be best?

Let's see...

My view driving to work makes getting up early worth it.

A 93 year old patient shared his best piece of advice in one word: listen.

I made a friend, she's 97, and she shared how she lost over a 100 pounds and was tickled to death to be more healthy.

Andy's here! Andy's here! Andy's here! Andy finished his final day at the YMCA this past Friday. He was sad to go and blessed by the kindness of so many he saw every day. But I'm so glad to have him back! We celebrated with a little Sticky Fingers and coffee for dessert.

Mina has taken up residence in the bathroom sink.

I made a great friend, Angela, who has not only taught me how to do my job (the right way) but has also made me a friend. I am so very thankful for her.

We've almost gotten unpacked-ish. It's feeling more like home and we really like it.

Rembrandt's Coffee has become a favorite spot for us both. Not to mention, they have a little shop in the hospital! I ration myself to once a week- ish.

We tried out our first church this past Sunday. The experience was fun but the church was not for us. We are so excited for a new option Andy discovered. We'll try it this Sunday and let you know how it goes.

The leaves on the trees are outstanding and we are enjoying our views.

Braylen is the cutest kid to date and I get to see his face a lot!

Andy has joined an ultimate frisbee league he learned of through Neal, Angela's husband, also our new friend.

Andy got his wish for bbq on Sunday at the Chattanooga Market.

We continue to be thankful for our friends and family all over that support us in love, prayer, and friendship. We miss you in one way or the other.

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