October 15, 2011

Chick-fil-A and Packing Tape

As I type this oh so overdue blog an empty bag of Chick-fil-A and a fresh roll of packing tape stare back at me. Yes, we are moving AGAIN but this time to a new city. How did this happen you ask? (For the record, so do I) Well, it has been a series of crazy events that have led us to Chattanooga. First being, that I got a job! I am working as a medical social worker at Memorial Hospital. This move has been more of a "transition" than I would have liked but you do what you have to do. Or at least that's what I tell myself every day. I started working at the hospital three weeks ago and my Mom had surgery a week prior to that so I have been "living" in Chatt for a month now. Andy and I see each other on weekends and will be permanently reunited in two weeks! Oh, how I long for that day. My sister and her lovely family have graciously allowed me to crash in their spare bedroom all this time. I've enjoyed seeing them a lot! I'm not sure they'd say the same. :) Andy will finish his time at the YMCA in two weeks and will continue searching for his dream job in Chatt. So, you see, it's a bit of a mess but we are taking it with grace and enjoying what we feel is God's plan working itself out.
A little more about my job...
Most people I run into don't exactly know what it is a medical social worker does and they usually inform me that they couldn't do whatever this mystery job is, either. So, since I have your attention, I'll tell you what I do. Most days it feels like I order potty chairs and walkers but in reality I help sick people transition back into normal life or adjusted normal after their illness. At times this means I get them access to food, financial assistance, insurance coverage (ha), transportation but also that I listen. I listen to what they say but I hear so much more; their heartache, their loneliness, their fear, their hope. It is my job and hope that in some small way, above ordering potty chairs, that I am there when it is hard for many others to be for whatever the reason. So, I love and hate my job. I hate seeing sick people struggle, especially the ones without family or friends. I hate being around death and dying. I hate knowing there is only so much one person can do. But I love doing what I can. I love seeing people survive and triumph. I love seeing the devotion and support that people can give. I love being reminded that life is short and people are what matters.
Overall, I do believe that God is leading this crazy life we are a part of but it is hard right now. It's a lot of changes and loneliness but as I cried yesterday about the size of our new bedroom, I'm reminded that most of my pains are first world problems. I know that God cares about my struggles but a dose of perspective goes a long way. We are blessed by many and so excited to see what marriage and life looks like in Tennessee. Come visit? That'd be great.

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