June 14, 2011

luna de miel

We just returned from our honeymoon with some new tan lines and a refreshed spirit. We loved our stay in Vieques and can't wait to make an anniversary visit. We hiked to hidden beaches, swam in a glowing bay at night, and ate delightful food.
I can't believe we've only been married just over a week! It feels like we were gone for so much longer. I guess that's what happens when you take each day at a reasonable pace. On the flip side, it seems like I blinked and all my family and friends disappeared to their respective places. If I stop and think I can remember each moment and I cherish each memory. We had several days with those we love but I long for so many more.

I think my favorite thing so far about marriage is that my best friend will be wherever I am for as long as we live. If I miss him, it will only be for a short while.

Another fabulous thing about marriage is that people love to share the love. We met so many gracious people along the way that wished us well with kind words and deeds. One of our last days we stopped at a street vendor to get some lunch. They had some of the most amazing chicken on a stick! We met a man (we didn't even get his name) that helped us order and chatted with us about life and Puerto Rico. As he started to go, we over heard him paying for our lunch. He wished us well and went on to enjoy his day. He didn't even mention he'd paid for our food. We were a little stunned but so blessed. This was not the only instance a stranger shared our joy by buying our meal or drinks.

Readjusting to reality after grad school, wedding, honeymoon, and now marriage has been and will continue to be a journey and a blessing. We look forward to sharing more of it with you!


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