June 16, 2011

Masters Degree and Mermaids

I recently had the pain pleasure of graduating from Georgia State with my Masters of Social Work. My graduation came only three weeks before our wedding so I haven't had the pain pleasure of looking for jobs until now. After a short search in the job market, I'm convinced there is a conspiracy happening right before my eyes. Let me explain, when I graduated with a bachelors degree all of my "dream" jobs required a masters degree. I was told that all I needed to do was give two years of my life to "furthering my education" and I would be set. Reluctantly I agreed and lived and breathed late nights writing what felt like the same paper. Over a 1000 hours in unpaid internships and here I am two years later ripe and ready to get those "dream" jobs I referred to, and now the job descriptions require a minimum of 5 years experience in addition to alllll that education. Listen, I spent 7 years and a whole lot of money to help people get out of sex trafficking, gain access to healthcare, and lots of other socially undesirable situations and get paid very little for it. Someone just give a girl a break?!

Alright, enough with my whining. I know that God is gracious and He will lead me to the right job. I just have to be diligent and that isn't very fun. But for now, I have the blessing to keep Katie and Ellie full time until I find a job.
This means my days are filled with mermaids, princesses, Dora the Explorer (could live without this one), and lots of coloring. I've been working with their family since just before Ellie was born so it's more fun than "work". Added bonus, they are members of the Y where Andy works so we get to see him a lot while we swim. :)

Anyway, if you think to say a prayer of direction and favor for my job hunt that would be just swell. Until then, I'll be singing "Part of Your World" (little mermaid) and hoping for the day it comes true!

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